Your answers to the most frequently asked questions we receive!
How do I know that your meteorites are genuine?
All of our meteorites have gone through extensive scientific classification - a process in which dedicated scientists in the field of Meteoritics study a sample of the meteorite using several different techniques including spectroscopy. The scientist first confirms what type of meteorite they are looking at, followed by an in-depth study to determine its mineral compositions and origins. This is a very general summary of the very long, tedious and expensive process that scientists take to confirm not only the type, but the parent body it once broke away from.
How do you know for sure that a meteorite is from our Moon/Mars?
We appreciate this question no matter how many times it is asked. The simple answer is "science". Both our Moon and planet Mars lack an atmosphere. When asteroids strike these celestial objects (which happens quite frequently - think of the Moon with all of those craters!), fragments eject from the impact and occasionally make their way into Earth’s orbit. If the stone survives its cataclysmic entry into Earth, it lands on the ground and becomes known as a meteorite.
Once discovered (usually by teams of Meteorite hunters), the stone is offered to us and we remove a 20 gram sample and provide it to one of the top scientists in the field of Meteoritics to be studied under the microscope. Its origin is then determined and plotted based on the comparison of its compositional property to the different classes of asteroids, lunar samples returned to Earth by NASA astronauts and the data provided by NASA's Viking spacecraft and the rovers that have been sampling Mars since the late 70's. From there, meteorites make their way into museums, universities and to the general public all around the world.
Where are your meteorites found?
The short answer is - EVERYWHERE! We have Meteorites from just about every Continent. We even have Meteorites that have fallen through houses, cars and even a cow!
Will I receive a case with my purchase?
90% of our orders will ship with a display case. The percentage that does not is because your Meteorite may not fit in a case or be safe to ship in for your particular order. Instead, you may find that your order arrives with your new Meteorite wrapped separately in cardboard from the display case (or, as mentioned, sometimes without a case). This is intentional, and prevents the stone(s) from shifting around in the case during transit and possibly cracking. We choose to avoid that possibility. Should yours not come with a case, our team can recommend one to you that could be easily purchased online.
Will I receive a Certificate of Authenticity with my purchase?
Yes - all meteorites come with a signed Certificate of Authenticity.
How often do you get new meteorites?
We find ourselves updating our inventory on the website about once a week. You can check the "New Arrivals" section on the homepage of our website to see what has recently been added.
Do you ever have sales or provide discount codes?
We rarely have sales because we try to keep our prices at a fair market value. With that being said - keep an eye out in your email and on social media for the rare times that we do! We also hold contests on social media where you can win FREE meteorites.
What is the meaning of your Logo?
The Interstellar Collection's logo was imagined by our creative team and passed along to a professional painter. It is a construction of ancient, mythical symbolism. The outer white triangle represents Manifestation. The orange lines extending from a center dot represent a comet. The white line cutting through the top of the triangle is the symbol for clouds. When put together, it represents "the manifestation of a comet through the clouds." In other words - a meteorite!
How do I care for my meteorites?
It depends on what type of meteorite you are purchasing.
With iron and stony-iron meteorites - you'll need to pay a little more attention to them than you would a stony meteorite. It's always a battle of humidity vs meteorite, and usually depends on where you live that will determine the level of extra attention that you'll need to give it. The higher the humidity, the bigger hit the meteorite will take. But with good habits, care and attention to your meteorites, you'll catch any issues before they ever become an actual problem.
If you are finding that you are running into any rusting down the line, consider sending the meteorite in for restoration, just as you would do with jewelry, which we can do for you for a small fee. You'll receive your meteorite back looking like the day you purchased it. This is the best method rather than trying to do it yourself. Most meteorites cost anywhere from $30-$50 for restoration - a small cost to have it done right and returned just as good as the day you received it.
Remember - if you spot some rust, don't panic! It's normal and can easily be treated. We'd prefer it to not be there, but anything made with iron will usually show slight signs of rust over time.
Depending on how you display an iron or stony-iron meteorite (in or out of a cabinet) will determine if you should consider purchasing a desiccant container or not. If it's being displayed inside of a cabinet, we suggest getting something like this to keep in the cabinet along with your meteorite. Don't forget to recharge the desiccant beads every so often!
If you are storing it outside of a cabinet, just be sure to use a microfiber cloth every so often to (very, very gently) wipe away any oils left from your fingers.
Side note: A case is NOT required to safely store/display your new meteorite. Feel free to get creative with your displays. We've seen people use display cases, stands and even bean bags!
At-Home Restoration:
The following restoration methods below are helpful advice that you can follow if you desire to do so, however, this is to be done at your own risk. It is always best to send your specimen in for professional restoration:
If you have any rust appearing on the meteorite, consider using a little bit of CLR (found in most stores such as Lowes and even on Amazon, and apply it to the meteorite using distilled water. Wear gloves and gently scrub the solution into the meteorite. This usually removes rust the fastest, but you're not done yet! Rinse the stone off with distilled water and place it in the oven at approximately 150 degrees F for about 6 hours. This will take care of any remnant liquid left on the meteorite to prevent rust from forming. The iron will be very hot, so please use caution when handling while still in the oven.
When it comes to iron meteorites, we also suggest avoiding the use of membrane film display cases. While they are fine to use for transportation from point A to point B, over time they trap moisture and can cause the meteorite to begin to rust.
If you bought a stony meteorite, you don't need to worry about rust - just its fragility. All meteorites have varying levels of fragility - some more than others. Always handle with care!
Can you clean my meteorite(s)?
If you do not wish to attempt to clean your meteorite, we can do this for you. The fee for restoration is minimal, but will ultimately depend on the size, type and condition of the meteorite in need of service. If you've waited too long to send in for restoration, it might require more work to rid the specimen of rust and moisture. If you've waited until the point of no return, you might have a meteorite that is too far gone for any restoration. Essentially, you will have killed your meteorite... don't kill your meteorite. It lasted 4.6 billion years before it met you. Do you want to be the reason you wiped it out of existence?
Send us an email at ICMeteorites@gmail.com along with a photo of your specimen and a description of what you are looking for. Let us know if you want it re-stablilzed, re-finished, polished, etched, or all of the above.
Keep in mind - when rust is removed and/or refinishing is requested from us, your meteorite will come back as if it were on a diet - you will have weight loss! Remember - you have pesky areas of rust that needs to be removed. This can't be accomplished without your specimen inevitably losing some (but not much) weight.
A quick education on the subject of rust: Rust is a chemical reaction that happens when iron and oxygen mix together, forming iron oxide. Technically speaking, this is when iron atoms lose electrons to the oxygen atoms through a process called oxidation, begins to break down the iron's structure, ultimately forming what is commonly known as rust. Add this rust removal process to re-sanding your specimen to bring it back to life, and BAM - just like that, you have weight loss.
Can you help identify my meteorite?
We can only answer this question if you purchased your stone from us. In the meantime, there are several ways that you can visually inspect your suspect stone to see if it has any traits of being a meteorite. Chances are, if you think you found a meteorite by simply stumbling upon it - you do not have one (sorry to say), so we first suggest you inspecting your stone for why it's likely NOT a meteorite. There are many accredited websites that you can use as a reference. With all of this being said, meteorites can only be verified when analyzed by an experienced Scientist or expert who study meteorites under a microscope.
Do you do presentations/lectures?
Yes, we do. We have several high quality presentations to choose from. Our presentations range from Meteorites 101 to the meteor that ended the dinosaurs. Most presentations are approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour in length, and usually end with a Q&A and a hands-on opportunity to hold museum-grade specimens. If you want us to bring items for sale, we are happy to do so. Brett typically presents, unless he has a conflict on your desired date. Please connect with Lisa at ICMeteorites@gmail.com to discuss further details on logistics and pricing.
Will you be adding more shows to your tour?
Yes! We are always adding more shows all around the United States (and soon internationally). Stay tuned to our website by visiting this link and be sure to also follow us on Social Media for updates to our schedule.
Can you authenticate my meteorite?
We do not conduct Meteorite identification/verification. By requesting this from us, your email/message will automatically be filtered as Spam. Due to the increase in popularity, meteorites have struck the interest of millions around the world. As a result, we receive 30 or more identification requests every single day, which we do not and will not answer. Please connect with your local University or science center for further review of your suspect stone. Again, there is no way to identify your stone in question without the aid of a professional who can analyze it under a microscope.
I have a meteorite for sale. Will you purchase it?
We ONLY purchase collections that are officially classified stones, and usually only when they have labels from previous dealers (provenance) that accompany them. If you are reaching out for us to buy an unclassified meteorite, you will not get a response from us.
Common shipping questions:
About how long will it take to receive my package?
We always mail packages through USPS Priority Mail (3 day delivery for Domestic) unless we are forced to use another provider.
For International mail, we've seen packages arrive anywhere from 15-30 days. Unfortunately, timing of delivery is out of our control once we mail the package, but we use the most trusted and reliable postal service in the United States and that time frame is what we typically see.
Do you recommend I get added insurance on my package?
We urge all customers to consider insuring their packages through Navidium, the insurance option you'll be asked about at checkout. For inexpensive packages, we automatically cover you up to $100 US Dollars for lost, stolen or damaged parcels. For higher priced items, you may want to consider Navidium. We typically mail using USPS Priority Shipping, which is trackable and very reliable. With that being said: in the unlikely event that a package is lost or damaged during transit and is uninsured, The Interstellar Collection would not be held responsible. The responsibility is now between the carrier and the customer. Once a package is no longer in our possession and has been turned over to the post office, it is out of our control.
Navidium to the rescue! You may have noticed (or will notice) Navidium upon checkout of your item(s). Discover peace of mind while you shop with Navidium Insurance! When you choose Navidium, you’re not just getting coverage; you’re opting for a seamless shopping experience. Unlike traditional insurance agencies, Navidium collects a simple percentage (3%) of your purchases upon your request and applies 100% of that amount directly towards protecting your parcels. This means your entire purchase cost, minus the 3% fee, is immediately applied and covering your shipment.
Shop with confidence, knowing your investments are safeguarded without complicated policies or excess fees. To experience effortless protection that’s tailored to you, consider opting in for Navidium.
Without additional insurance through Navidium, you will unfortunately not qualify for a refund in the unlikely event that something goes wrong.
If I am located outside of the United States, will I be charged import fees?
Every country is different. Please connect with your local postal service to get the answer to your question. The value you pay for the meteorite(s) from us will be exactly what is documented and presented on the customs form - not a penny less. While this may be inconvenient to our customers (and we completely sympathize with you for the outrageous, unnecessary expensive import fees), this is the law. Please do not request us to document it any differently - we assure you we won't.