Meteorite Education

If you've seen us around, you probably already know that we like to educate! Here at The Interstellar Collection, LLC, we prefer our curious customers to understand what they are looking at and how it arrived on Earth, so that they can experience the thrill of holding an actual piece of the cosmos while understanding it's origins! From there, we watch their faces light up with joy as they look around and enter a world that may not have ever known existed.

This page is dedicated to the many people we meet who have expressed a deep interest in learning about the fundamentals of Meteorites, along with other curiosities such as how to identify a Meteorite and what to do if you find one.
So, sit back, have a look around and get ready for some education!
The links below follow a "Meteorites 101" format. Feel free to skip around and jump to sections that interest you the most!
The Art of Meteorite Hunting
How to Identify a Suspect Meteorite - coming soon
What To Do If You Found a Meteorite - coming soon
How to Identify a Suspect Meteorite - coming soon
What To Do If You Found a Meteorite - coming soon
How Are Meteorites Scientifically Studied? - coming soon