Parcel Insurance
Insurance Disclaimer: We urge all customers to consider insuring their packages. For inexpensive packages, the additional cost would be minimal to insure. For higher priced items, the cost will be significantly higher - but for a very good reason. We typically mail using USPS Priority Shipping, which is trackable and very reliable. With that being said: in the unlikely event that a package is lost or damaged during transit and is uninsured, The Interstellar Collection would not be held responsible. The responsibility is now between the carrier and the customer. Once a package is no longer in our possession and has been turned over to the post office, it is out of our control.
Insurance will allow a claim to immediately be filed and a refund to occur within 14 days. Without additional insurance, you will unfortunately not qualify for a refund from them (or any shipping company, for that matter). Please inform us if you'd like us to insure your package, and we'll be happy to provide you a quote based on current USPS rates.